Create a PayU Account

Open your account free of charge and sell online.

The first step to start using PayU services is create an account. This topic shows you the benefits of choosing PayU to receive payments online.

PayU benefits

  • Competitive rate
  • Multiple payment methods
  • Sell with or without a website
  • Security

How to create an Account?

Regardless of the size of your business, the procedure to create an account is as follows:

  1. Contact us.
    If you want to start using PayU services and tools to integrate your shop and start receiving online payments, contact us through our web page.

    Or you can call us:
  • (+54 11) 5984-2132
  • (+55 11) 4130-5311
  • (+56 2) 258-13949
  • (+57) 601 654-0721
  • (+52 55) 474-11439
  • (+50 7) 836-5577
  • (+51 1) 708-5381
    Review our terms and conditions here.
  1. Validation of your account.
    Once we received your account request, our agents will validate your risk and bank score.

    Review the Prohibited, Restricted or Forbidden Activities here.

  2. Activate your account.
    After opening your PayU account, you receive an e-mail to confirm its address and enter the PayU Module for the first time. At this point, your account is already activated to receive payments on the Internet with all available payment methods.

    To activate your account, you should:

  • Have completed the documentation and registration in the administrative module.
  • Have a successful transaction.

What’s next?

After you have created an account, you and your customers receive a notification for each payment they made. The money is then credited to your PayU account.

According to your business needs, select how to integrate your shop with the PayU services and tools. For more information, refer to Integrations.

Finally, transfer the balance from your PayU account to your bank account whenever you want.

Last modified October 5, 2021: Fixes found during the translation (5dc6646c)