Queries API

Queries API lets you check the status of the placed orders along with their transactions.

To integrate with Queries API, target your request to the following URLs according to your environment.

Available methods

Queries API includes the following methods:

Query by Order Id

Order Id is a value generated by PayU to identify all the transactions generated for a payment request performed by your customer. You can use the ORDER_DETAIL command to consult the status of an Order by its identifier.

The following are the request and response examples for this operation.

Request example:

   "test": false,
   "language": "en",
   "command": "ORDER_DETAIL",
   "merchant": {
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"
   "details": {
      "orderId": 857695047

Response example:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "payload": {
            "id": 857695047,
            "accountId": 512321,
            "status": "CAPTURED",
            "referenceCode": "PRODUCT_TEST_2021-05-03T18:01:10.946Z",
            "description": "Payment test description Documentation",
            "airlineCode": null,
            "language": "es",
            "notifyUrl": "http://www.payulatam.com/confirmation",
            "shippingAddress": {
                "street1": "calle 100",
                "street2": "5555487",
                "city": "Medellin",
                "state": "Antioquia",
                "country": "CO",
                "postalCode": "0000000",
                "phone": "7563126"
            "buyer": {
                "merchantBuyerId": "1",
                "fullName": "First name and second buyer name",
                "emailAddress": "buyer_test@test.com",
                "contactPhone": "7563126",
                "buyerAddress": {
                    "street1": "calle 100",
                    "street2": "5555487",
                    "city": "Medellin",
                    "state": "Antioquia",
                    "country": "CO",
                    "postalCode": "000000",
                    "phone": "7563126"
                "dniNumber": "123456789",
                "cnpj": null
            "antifraudMerchantId": null,
            "isTest": true,
            "transactions": [
                    "id": "5fde3c2c-540d-4579-96f7-2a4b8c65a951",
                    "order": null,
                    "creditCard": {
                        "maskedNumber": "547130******0003",
                        "issuerBank": null,
                        "name": "APPROVED",
                        "cardType": null
                    "bankAccount": null,
                    "type": "AUTHORIZATION_AND_CAPTURE",
                    "parentTransactionId": null,
                    "paymentMethod": "MASTERCARD",
                    "source": null,
                    "paymentCountry": "CO",
                    "transactionResponse": {
                        "state": "APPROVED",
                        "paymentNetworkResponseCode": null,
                        "paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage": null,
                        "trazabilityCode": "00000000",
                        "authorizationCode": "00000000",
                        "pendingReason": null,
                        "responseCode": "APPROVED",
                        "errorCode": null,
                        "responseMessage": null,
                        "transactionDate": null,
                        "transactionTime": null,
                        "operationDate": 1620064792953,
                        "extraParameters": null
                    "deviceSessionId": "vghs6tvkcle931686k1900o6e1",
                    "ipAddress": "",
                    "cookie": "pt1t38347bs6jc9ruv2ecpv7o2",
                    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0",
                    "expirationDate": null,
                    "payer": {
                        "merchantPayerId": "1",
                        "fullName": "First name and second payer name",
                        "billingAddress": {
                            "street1": "calle 93",
                            "street2": "125544",
                            "city": "Bogota",
                            "state": "Bogota DC",
                            "country": "CO",
                            "postalCode": "000000",
                            "phone": "7563126"
                        "emailAddress": "payer_test@test.com",
                        "contactPhone": "7563126",
                        "dniNumber": "5415668464654",
                        "dniType": null
                    "termsAndConditionId": 202,
                    "additionalValues": {
                        "PM_PAYER_COMMISSION_VALUE": {
                            "value": 0.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "PM_PAYER_TOTAL_AMOUNT": {
                            "value": 50000.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "PM_TAX": {
                            "value": 0.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "PM_PAYER_INTEREST_VALUE": {
                            "value": 0.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "TX_ADDITIONAL_VALUE": {
                            "value": 0.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "PM_NETWORK_VALUE": {
                            "value": 50000.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "PM_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                            "value": 0.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "TX_VALUE": {
                            "value": 50000.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "CURRENT_TX_VALUE": {
                            "value": 50000.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "TX_TAX": {
                            "value": 0.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "PM_PAYER_PRICING_VALUES": {
                            "value": 0.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                            "value": 0.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "PM_PURCHASE_VALUE": {
                            "value": 50000.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "PM_ADDITIONAL_VALUE": {
                            "value": 0.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                        "PM_VALUE": {
                            "value": 50000.00,
                            "currency": "COP"
                    "extraParameters": {
                        "MIN_SHIPPING_PAYER": "0",
                        "BANK_REFERENCED_CODE": "CREDIT",
                        "PRICING_PROFILE_GROUP_ID": "MG-PRICING_2_341559",
                        "MAX_SHIPPING_MERCHANT": "0",
                        "PERCENT_SHIPPING_MERCHANT": "0",
                        "MAX_SHIPPING_PAYER": "0",
                        "MERCHANT_PROFILE_ID": "MG-PRICING_1_51803",
                        "MIN_SHIPPING_MERCHANT": "0",
                        "INSTALLMENTS_NUMBER": "1",
                        "PAYMENT_WAY_ID": "4"
            "additionalValues": {
                "PM_PAYER_COMMISSION_VALUE": {
                    "value": 0.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "PM_TAX": {
                    "value": 0.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "PM_PAYER_INTEREST_VALUE": {
                    "value": 0.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "TX_ADDITIONAL_VALUE": {
                    "value": 0.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "PM_NETWORK_VALUE": {
                    "value": 50000.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "PM_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                    "value": 0.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "TX_VALUE": {
                    "value": 50000.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "TX_TAX": {
                    "value": 0.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "PM_PAYER_PRICING_VALUES": {
                    "value": 0.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                    "value": 0.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "PM_PURCHASE_VALUE": {
                    "value": 50000.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "PM_ADDITIONAL_VALUE": {
                    "value": 0.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
                "PM_VALUE": {
                    "value": 50000.00,
                    "currency": "COP"
            "creationDate": 1620064873257,
            "isCreatedUsingStandardIntegrationParams": null,
            "merchantId": 508029,
            "processedTransactionId": "5fde3c2c-540d-4579-96f7-2a4b8c65a951",
            "orderSignature": "49f80210a72e9b7cafe9001338450bbb"

Request example:

   <details class="java.util.HashMap">
         <object class="java.lang.Long">2637540</object>

Response example:

        <payload class="order">
            <description>Payment test description Documentation</description>
                <street1>calle 100</street1>
                <fullName>First name and second buyer name</fullName>
                    <street1>calle 100</street1>
                    <userAgent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0</userAgent>
                        <fullName>First name and second payer name</fullName>
                            <street1>calle 93</street1>
                            <state>Bogota DC</state>

Query by Transaction Id

Transaction Id is a value generated by PayU to identify one transaction generated for an order. You can use the TRANSACTION_RESPONSE_DETAIL command to consult the information of a given transaction.

The following are the request and response examples for this operation.

Request example:

   "test": false,
   "language": "en",
   "merchant": {
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"
   "details": {
      "transactionId": "546e0fe9-8076-46b5-9f73-622c5a12f5cb"

Response example:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "payload": {
            "state": "APPROVED",
            "paymentNetworkResponseCode": "000",
            "paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage": null,
            "trazabilityCode": "77821",
            "authorizationCode": "170921",
            "pendingReason": null,
            "responseCode": "APPROVED",
            "errorCode": null,
            "responseMessage": "Aprobado y completado con exito",
            "transactionDate": null,
            "transactionTime": null,
            "operationDate": 1620069958670,
            "extraParameters": null

Request example:

   <details class="java.util.HashMap">
         <object class="java.lang.String">546e0fe9-8076-46b5-9f73-622c5a12f5cb</object>

Response example:

        <payload class="transactionResponse">
            <responseMessage>Aprobado y completado con exito</responseMessage>

Query by Reference Id

Reference Id is a value generated by your commerce to identify an order. You can use the ORDER_DETAIL_BY_REFERENCE_CODE to consult the status of an Order by your own order identifier (reference). The following are the request and response examples for this method.

Request example:

   "test": false,
   "language": "en",
   "merchant": {
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"
   "details": {
      "referenceCode": "HP14015317573744"

Response example:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "payload": [
                "id": 844427581,
                "accountId": 512321,
                "status": "CAPTURED",
                "referenceCode": "HP14015317573744",
                "description": "9518567a-0da7-44f9-b4d5-f8b8ac8d96d4",
                "airlineCode": null,
                "language": "pt",
                "notifyUrl": "http://api-pay-aff.vulcano.rocks/hotpay-notification-server/api/v1/payu/notification",
                "shippingAddress": null,
                "buyer": {
                    "merchantBuyerId": "0c970b19-3fbf-362c-b64b-c2c6ece8d01a",
                    "fullName": "APPROVED",
                    "emailAddress": "e26a8f06-64ef-49aa-8897-29df2f664017@usetheforce.com",
                    "contactPhone": null,
                    "buyerAddress": {
                        "street1": "ae QOprITzE",
                        "street2": "448",
                        "city": "BH",
                        "state": "MG",
                        "country": "CO",
                        "postalCode": "27519777",
                        "phone": null
                    "dniNumber": "1111",
                    "cnpj": "61609024311"
                "antifraudMerchantId": null,
                "isTest": true,
                "transactions": [
                        "id": "76b724ee-f8e3-4228-84ca-d9e0a9d5d2b7",
                        "order": null,
                        "creditCard": {
                            "maskedNumber": "411111******1111",
                            "issuerBank": "THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK",
                            "name": "APPROVED",
                            "cardType": null
                        "bankAccount": null,
                        "type": "AUTHORIZATION_AND_CAPTURE",
                        "parentTransactionId": null,
                        "paymentMethod": "VISA",
                        "source": null,
                        "paymentCountry": "CO",
                        "transactionResponse": {
                            "state": "APPROVED",
                            "paymentNetworkResponseCode": null,
                            "paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage": null,
                            "trazabilityCode": "00000000",
                            "authorizationCode": "00000000",
                            "pendingReason": null,
                            "responseCode": "APPROVED",
                            "errorCode": null,
                            "responseMessage": null,
                            "transactionDate": null,
                            "transactionTime": null,
                            "operationDate": 1531757342757,
                            "extraParameters": null
                        "deviceSessionId": null,
                        "ipAddress": "",
                        "cookie": null,
                        "userAgent": "Apache-HttpClient/4.3.1 (java 1.5)",
                        "expirationDate": null,
                        "payer": {
                            "merchantPayerId": "c48c9d72c2344173a8a66ad157f1415e@payutest.com",
                            "fullName": "APPROVED",
                            "billingAddress": {
                                "street1": "ae QOprITzE",
                                "street2": "448",
                                "city": "BH",
                                "state": "MG",
                                "country": "CO",
                                "postalCode": "27519777",
                                "phone": null
                            "emailAddress": "e26a8f06-64ef-49aa-8897-29df2f664017@usetheforce.com",
                            "contactPhone": null,
                            "dniNumber": "1111",
                            "dniType": null
                        "termsAndConditionId": 202,
                        "additionalValues": {
                            "PM_PAYER_COMMISSION_VALUE": {
                                "value": 0.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "DP_MERCHANT_COMMISSION_VALUE": {
                                "value": 119.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "COMMISSION_VALUE": {
                                "value": 0.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "PM_PAYER_TOTAL_AMOUNT": {
                                "value": 54600.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "PM_TAX": {
                                "value": 8717.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "PM_PAYER_INTEREST_VALUE": {
                                "value": 0.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "TX_ADDITIONAL_VALUE": {
                                "value": 0.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "PM_NETWORK_VALUE": {
                                "value": 54600.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "PM_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                                "value": 45882.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "TX_VALUE": {
                                "value": 54600.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "CURRENT_TX_VALUE": {
                                "value": 54600.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "TX_TAX": {
                                "value": 8717.65,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "DP_MERCHANT_INTEREST_VALUE": {
                                "value": 0.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "DP_MERCHANT_TOTAL_INCOME_VALUE": {
                                "value": 52921.05,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "PM_PAYER_PRICING_VALUES": {
                                "value": 0.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                                "value": 45882.35,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "PM_PURCHASE_VALUE": {
                                "value": 45883.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "PM_ADDITIONAL_VALUE": {
                                "value": 0.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                            "PM_VALUE": {
                                "value": 54600.00,
                                "currency": "COP"
                        "extraParameters": {
                            "MIN_SHIPPING_PAYER": "0",
                            "PRICING_PROFILE_GROUP_ID": "MG-PRICING_2_341559",
                            "MAX_SHIPPING_MERCHANT": "0",
                            "PERCENT_SHIPPING_MERCHANT": "0",
                            "MAX_SHIPPING_PAYER": "0",
                            "MERCHANT_PROFILE_ID": "MG-PRICING_1_51803",
                            "MIN_SHIPPING_MERCHANT": "0",
                            "INSTALLMENTS_NUMBER": "1"
                "additionalValues": {
                    "PM_PAYER_COMMISSION_VALUE": {
                        "value": 0.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "DP_MERCHANT_COMMISSION_VALUE": {
                        "value": 119.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "COMMISSION_VALUE": {
                        "value": 0.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "PM_TAX": {
                        "value": 8717.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "PM_PAYER_INTEREST_VALUE": {
                        "value": 0.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "TX_ADDITIONAL_VALUE": {
                        "value": 0.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "PM_NETWORK_VALUE": {
                        "value": 54600.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "PM_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                        "value": 45882.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "TX_VALUE": {
                        "value": 54600.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "TX_TAX": {
                        "value": 8717.65,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "DP_MERCHANT_INTEREST_VALUE": {
                        "value": 0.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "PM_PAYER_PRICING_VALUES": {
                        "value": 0.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE": {
                        "value": 45882.35,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "PM_PURCHASE_VALUE": {
                        "value": 45883.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "PM_ADDITIONAL_VALUE": {
                        "value": 0.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                    "PM_VALUE": {
                        "value": 54600.00,
                        "currency": "COP"
                "creationDate": 1531757337149,
                "isCreatedUsingStandardIntegrationParams": null,
                "merchantId": 508029,
                "processedTransactionId": "76b724ee-f8e3-4228-84ca-d9e0a9d5d2b7",
                "orderSignature": "bbd718c869298251a91329b673c5abfa"

Request example:

	<details class="java.util.HashMap">
			<object class="java.lang.String">HP14015317573744</object>

Response example:

        <payload class="list">
                        <street1>ae QOprITzE</street1>
                            <issuerBank>THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK</issuerBank>
                        <userAgent>Apache-HttpClient/4.3.1 (java 1.5)</userAgent>
                                <street1>ae QOprITzE</street1>


The PING method lets you verify the connection to our platform. The following are the request and response examples for this method.

Request example:

   "test": false,
   "language": "en",
   "command": "PING",
   "merchant": {
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"

Response example:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "payload": "ping"

Request example:


Response example:

        <payload class="string">ping</payload>

Last modified June 7, 2022: Fixes related to the change in the OrderId data type (9366de46)