Deploy to Production

After you perform all the system testing and you have verified that everything is working properly, you can change to the production server; where the actual transactions are processed.

To step over to production according to the integration you use, you need to create the payment forms with the some parameters of your account and pointing to the production URL.

Step over to production using WebCheckout integration

Include the following parameters in your payment forms:

Parameter Description
merchantId ID of your commerce in PayU Latam.
ApiKey Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key
referenceCode Unique sale reference for each transaction. This value is generated by you.
accountId ID of the PayU account according to the country where you want to sell.
description Description of the sell you are performing.
amount Total amount of the sell you are performing.
tax Tax amount of the sell you are performing.
taxReturnBase Tax return base of the sell you are performing.
currency ISO code of the currency. See accepted currencies.
signature The signature is a unique way to validate payments made through the platform, ensuring its authenticity.
For more information refer Authentication signature.
test Set 0 for transactions processed in the Production environment.
buyerEmail E-mail address of the buyer.

Target your request to the following URL:

Step over to production using API integration

Include the following parameters in your payment forms:

Parameter Description
merchantId ID of your commerce in PayU Latam.
ApiKey Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key
ApiLogin User or login provided by PayU. How do I get my API Login
accountId ID of the PayU account according to the country where you want to sell.
signature The signature is a unique way to validate payments made through the platform, ensuring its authenticity.
For more information refer Authentication signature.
test Set false for transactions processed in the Production environment.

Target your request to the following URL:


Step over to production using SDK integration

Include the following parameters in your payment forms:

Parameter Description
merchantId ID of your commerce in PayU Latam.
ApiKey Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key
ApiLogin User or login provided by PayU. How do I get my API Login
accountId ID of the PayU account according to the country where you want to sell.
test Set false for transactions processed in the Production environment.

Target your request to the following URL:

PayU.paymentsUrl =”;
PayU.reportsUrl =”;
Last modified October 5, 2021: Changes due to grammar errors found during translation process (c52d10d9)