Payments API - Argentina

Payments API Argentina lets your shop process different transaction types with multiple payment methods.

To integrate with Payments API Argentina, target your request to the following URLs according to your environment.

Available methods

Payments API includes the following methods:

Submit transaction with credit or debit card

This method lets you process the payments performed by your customers using credit or debit cards. For Argentina, you can perform the two-step flows (Authorization, Capture), and one-step flows (Charge). For more information, refer to Payment flows.

Variables for request and response

Field name Format Size Description Mandatory
language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in the request, this language is used to display the error messages generated. See supported languages. Yes
command Alphanumeric Max:32 Set SUBMIT_TRANSACTION. Yes
test (JSON)
isTest (XML)
Boolean Set true if the request is in test mode. Otherwise, set false. Yes
merchant This object has the authentication data. Yes
merchant > apiLogin Alphanumeric Min:12 Max:32 User or login provided by PayU. How do I get my API Login Yes
merchant > apiKey Alphanumeric Min:6 Max:32 Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key Yes
transaction This object has the transaction data. Yes
transaction > order This object has the order data. Yes
transaction > order > accountId Number Identifier of your account. Yes
transaction > order > referenceCode Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Represents the identifier of the order in your system. Yes
transaction > order > description Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Description of the order. Yes
transaction > order > language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in emails sent to the buyer and the seller. Yes
transaction > order > notifyUrl Alphanumeric Max:2048 Confirmation URL of the order. No
transaction > order > partnerId Alphanumeric Max:255 Partner ID in PayU. No
transaction > order > signature Alphanumeric Max:255 The signature associated to the form. For more information refer Authentication signature. Yes
transaction > order > shippingAddress Shipping address. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > street1 Alphanumeric Max:100 Address Line 1. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > street2 Alphanumeric Max:100 Address Line 2. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > city Alphanumeric Max:50 Address city. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > state Alphanumeric Max:40 Address State. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > country Alphanumeric 2 Address country. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > postalCode Alphanumeric Max:8 Address Zip code. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > phone Alphanumeric Max:11 Phone number associated to the address. No
transaction > order > buyer Buyer information. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > merchantBuyerId Alphanumeric Max:100 Buyer ID in your system. No
transaction > order > buyer > fullName Alphanumeric Max:150 Full name of the buyer. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > emailAddress Alphanumeric Max:255 E-mail of the buyer. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > contactPhone Alphanumeric Max:20 Phone number of the buyer. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > dniNumber Alphanumeric Max:20 Identification number of the buyer. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress Alphanumeric Shipping address of the buyer. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > street1 Alphanumeric Max:150 Buyer’s shipping address Line 1. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > city Alphanumeric Max:50 Buyer’s shipping address city. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > state Alphanumeric Max:40 Buyer’s shipping address state. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > country Alphanumeric 2 Buyer’s shipping address country in format ISO 3166 alpha-2. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > postalCode Number Max:20 Buyer’s shipping address zip code. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > phone Number Max:20 Buyer’s shipping address phone number. Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > 64 Amount of the order or its associated values. Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_VALUE Alphanumeric 64 Amount of the transaction. Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_VALUE > value Number 12, 2 Specifies the amount of the transaction, this value may have two decimal digits (Ex. 10000.00 or 10000). Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_VALUE > currency Alphanumeric 3 ISO code of the currency. See accepted currencies. Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX Alphanumeric 64 Amount of the Value Added Tax (VAT). Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX > value Number 12, 2 Specifies the amount of the VAT. No
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX > currency Alphanumeric 3 ISO code of the currency. See accepted currencies. No
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE Alphanumeric 64 Base value to calculate the VAT.
If the amount does not have IVA, send 0.
This value may have two decimal digits.
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE > value Number 12, 2 Specifies the base amount of the transaction. No
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE > currency Alphanumeric 3 ISO code of the currency. See accepted currencies. No
transaction > creditCardTokenId Include this parameter when the transaction is done using a tokenized card replacing the information of the credit card. For more information, refer to Tokenization API No
transaction > creditCard Credit card information. If you process using debit card, do not send this parameter.
This object and its parameters are mandatory when the payment is performed using not tokenized credit card.
transaction > creditCard > number Alphanumeric Min:13 Max:20 Credit card number. No
transaction > creditCard > securityCode Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:4 Credit card security code (CVC2, CVV2, CID). No
transaction > creditCard > expirationDate Alphanumeric 7 Credit card expiration date. Format YYYY/MM. No
transaction > creditCard > name Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Holder’s name displayed in the credit card. No
transaction > creditCard > processWithoutCvv2 Boolean Max:255 Allows you to process transactions without including the credit card security code. Your commerce requires PayU’s authorization before using this feature. No
transaction > debitCard Debit card information. This object and its parameters are mandatory when the payment is performed using debit card. No
transaction > debitCard > number Alphanumeric Min:13 Max:20 Debit card number. No
transaction > debitCard > securityCode Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:4 Debit card security code (CVC2, CVV2, CID). No
transaction > debitCard > expirationDate Alphanumeric 7 Debit card expiration date. Format YYYY/MM. No
transaction > debitCard > name Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Holder’s name displayed in the debit card. No
transaction > payer Payer information. Due to Tax regulations, it is mandatory to send the parameters payer.billingAddress.state and payer.dnitype. Yes
transaction > payer > emailAddress Alphanumeric Max:255 Payer e-mail address. No
transaction > payer > merchantPayerId Alphanumeric Max:100 Identifier of the payer in your system. No
transaction > payer > fullName Alphanumeric Max:150 Name of the payer which must meet the name sent in the parameter for credit card payments. No
transaction > payer > billingAddress Billing address. Yes
transaction > payer > billingAddress > street1 Alphanumeric Max:100 Billing Address Line 1. No
transaction > payer > billingAddress > street2 Alphanumeric Max:100 Billing Address Line 2. No
transaction > payer > billingAddress > city Alphanumeric Max:50 Billing address city. No
transaction > payer > billingAddress > state Alphanumeric Max:40 Billing address state. Format ISO 3166-2 ARG official. Yes
transaction > payer > billingAddress > country Alphanumeric 2 Billing address country in format ISO 3166 Alpha-2. No
transaction > payer > billingAddress > postalCode Alphanumeric Max:20 Billing address zip code. No
transaction > payer > billingAddress > phone Alphanumeric Max:20 Billing address phone number. No
transaction > payer > birthdate Alphanumeric Max:10 Buyer’s date of birth. No
transaction > payer > contactPhone Alphanumeric Max:20 Buyer’s phone number. No
transaction > payer > dniNumber Alphanumeric Max:20 Identification number of the buyer. No
transaction > payer > dniType Alphanumeric 2 Identification type of the buyer. See Document types. Yes
transaction > type Alphanumeric 32 Set this value according to the transaction you want:
  • AUTHORIZATION_AND_CAPTURE for one-step flows.
transaction > paymentMethod Alphanumeric 32 Select a valid Credit or Debit card Payment Method. See the available Payment Methods for Argentina. Yes
transaction > paymentCountry Alphanumeric 2 Set AR for Argentina. Yes
transaction > deviceSessionId Alphanumeric Max:255 Session identifier of the device where the customer performs the transaction. For more information, refer to this topic. Yes
transaction > ipAddress Alphanumeric Max:39 IP address of the device where the customer performs the transaction. Yes
transaction > cookie Alphanumeric Max:255 Cookie stored by the device where the customer performs the transaction. Yes
transaction > userAgent Alphanumeric Max:1024 The User agent of the browser where the customer performs the transaction. Yes
transaction > extraParameters Additional parameters or data associated with the request. The maximum size of each extraParameters name is 64 characters.
In JSON, the extraParameters parameter follows this structure:
"extraParameters": {

In XML, the extraParameters parameter follows this structure:
Field name Format Size Description
code Alphanumeric The response code of the transaction. Possible values are ERROR and SUCCESS.
error Alphanumeric Max:2048 The error message associated when the response code is ERROR.
transactionResponse The response data.
transactionResponse > orderId Number The generated or existing order Id in PayU.
transactionResponse > transactionId Alphanumeric 36 The identifier of the transaction in PayU.
transactionResponse > state Alphanumeric Max:32 The status of the transaction.
transactionResponse > responseCode Alphanumeric Max:64 The response code associated with the status.
transactionResponse > paymentNetworkResponseCode Alphanumeric Max:255 The response code returned by the financial network.
transactionResponse > paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage Alphanumeric Max:255 The error message returned by the financial network.
transactionResponse > trazabilityCode Alphanumeric Max:32 The traceability code returned by the financial network.
transactionResponse > authorizationCode Alphanumeric Max:12 The authorization code returned by the financial network.
transactionResponse > responseMessage Alphanumeric Max:2048 Message associated with the response code.
transactionResponse > operationDate Date Creation date of the response in the PayU´s system.
transactionResponse > extraParameters Additional parameters or data associated with the response.
In JSON, the extraParameters parameter follows this structure:
"extraParameters": {

In XML, the extraParameters parameter follows this structure:


  • For payments with Promotions, send the parameters INSTALLMENTS_NUMBER and PROMOTION_ID with the number of installments selected and the Id of the promotion. Refer to Promotions API for more information.
  • Promotions feature is only available for one-step flows.
  • For payments with credit card tokens, include the parameters transaction.creditCardTokenId and transaction.creditCard.securityCode (if you process with security code) replacing the information of the credit card. For more information, refer to Tokenization API.
  • By default, processing credit cards without security code is not enabled. If you want to enable this feature, contact your Sales representative. After this feature is enabled for you, send in the request the variable creditCard.processWithoutCvv2 as true and remove the variable creditCard.securityCode.
  • When using credit cards, take into account the considerations due to Argentinian regulations for the check out page.
  • Due to Tax regulations, it is mandatory to send the parameters payer.billingAddress.state using format ISO 3166-2 ARG official and payer.dnitype.


Use this method to perform the Authorization step of a two-step flow. In this step, you authorize the payment but the amount is not debited until you capture the funds.
The following are the request and response bodies for this transaction type.

Request body:

   "language": "es",
   "command": "SUBMIT_TRANSACTION",
   "merchant": {
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA",
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u"
   "transaction": {
      "order": {
         "accountId": "512322",
         "referenceCode": "PRODUCT_TEST_2021-06-10T20:25:15.868Z",
         "description": "Payment test description",
         "language": "es",
         "signature": "1ffceb14a71948fdeaba5aef81b8e511",
         "notifyUrl": "",
         "additionalValues": {
            "TX_VALUE": {
               "value": 1000,
               "currency": "ARS"
         "buyer": {
            "merchantBuyerId": "1",
            "fullName": "First name and second buyer name",
            "emailAddress": "",
            "contactPhone": "7563126",
            "dniNumber": "123456789",
            "shippingAddress": {
               "street1": "Av Centenario 837",
               "street2": "5555487",
               "city": "San Isidro",
               "state": "AR-B",
               "country": "AR",
               "postalCode": "000000",
               "phone": "7563126"
         "shippingAddress": {
            "street1": "Av Centenario 837",
            "street2": "5555487",
            "city": "San Isidro",
            "state": "AR-B",
            "country": "AR",
            "postalCode": "0000000",
            "phone": "7563126"
      "payer": {
         "merchantPayerId": "1",
         "fullName": "First name and second payer name",
         "emailAddress": "",
         "contactPhone": "7563126",
         "dniNumber": "5415668464654",
         "billingAddress": {
            "street1": "Av Centenario 837",
            "street2": "125544",
            "city": "San Isidro",
            "state": "AR-B",
            "country": "AR",
            "postalCode": "000000",
            "phone": "7563126"
      "creditCard": {
         "number": "4097440000000004",
         "securityCode": "777",
         "expirationDate": "2022/12",
         "name": "APPROVED"
      "extraParameters": {
      "type": "AUTHORIZATION",
      "paymentMethod": "VISA",
      "paymentCountry": "AR",
      "deviceSessionId": "vghs6tvkcle931686k1900o6e1",
      "ipAddress": "",
      "cookie": "pt1t38347bs6jc9ruv2ecpv7o2",
      "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0"
   "test": false

Response body:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "transactionResponse": {
        "orderId": 1400421560,
        "transactionId": "db9d9d7f-b62c-4ed2-a3b9-d146d33bdaf5",
        "state": "APPROVED",
        "paymentNetworkResponseCode": "0",
        "paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage": null,
        "trazabilityCode": "db9d9d7f-b62c-4ed2-a3b9-d146d33bdaf5",
        "authorizationCode": "NPS-011111",
        "pendingReason": null,
        "responseCode": "APPROVED",
        "errorCode": null,
        "responseMessage": "APROBADA - Autorizada",
        "transactionDate": null,
        "transactionTime": null,
        "operationDate": 1623338717949,
        "referenceQuestionnaire": null,
        "extraParameters": {
        "additionalInfo": null

Request body:

         <description>Payment test description</description>
            <fullName>First name and second buyer name</fullName>
               <street1>Av Centenario 837</street1>
               <city>San Isidro</city>
            <street1>Av Centenario 837</street1>
            <city>San Isidro</city>
         <fullName>First name and second payer name</fullName>
            <street1>Av Centenario 837</street1>
            <city>San Isidro</city>
      <userAgent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0</userAgent>

Response body:

        <responseMessage>APROBADA - Autorizada</responseMessage>


Use this method to perform the Capture step of a two-step flow. In this step, you capture the funds previously Authorized to transfer them to your PayU account.


Take into account the following considerations for capture.

  • The maximum time to capture an approved transaction is 14 days. After this time, the transaction is auto voided.
  • Only the parameters displayed in the request body are mandatory to invoke a Capture transaction. Recall that the order and transaction ids must meet with a currently authorized transaction.
  • You can perform partial captures over an authorized amount. To do this, you need to send in the request the parameter transaction.order.TX_VALUE with its value (as sent during the Authorization).

The following are the request and response bodies for this transaction type.

Request body:

   "language": "es",
   "command": "SUBMIT_TRANSACTION",
   "merchant": {
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"
   "transaction": {
      "order": {
         "id": "1400421560"
      "type": "CAPTURE",
      "parentTransactionId": "db9d9d7f-b62c-4ed2-a3b9-d146d33bdaf5"
   "test": false

Response body:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "transactionResponse": {
        "orderId": 1400421560,
        "transactionId": "84ace270-d52d-4e85-b4cf-bbe8710db0d5",
        "state": "APPROVED",
        "paymentNetworkResponseCode": "0",
        "paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage": null,
        "trazabilityCode": "84ace270-d52d-4e85-b4cf-bbe8710db0d5",
        "authorizationCode": "NPS-011111",
        "pendingReason": null,
        "responseCode": "APPROVED",
        "errorCode": null,
        "responseMessage": "APROBADA - Autorizada",
        "transactionDate": null,
        "transactionTime": null,
        "operationDate": 1623339599368,
        "referenceQuestionnaire": null,
        "extraParameters": null,
        "additionalInfo": null

Request body:


Response body:

        <paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage>El saldo disponible no es suficiente para procesar la transacción.</paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage>


Use this method to perform a one-step flow, namely a charge. In this step, both steps of the two-step flow are combined in a single transaction and the funds are transferred from the customers account to your PayU account once they have been approved.

The following are the request and response bodies for this transaction type.

Request body:

   "language": "es",
   "command": "SUBMIT_TRANSACTION",
   "merchant": {
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA",
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u"
   "transaction": {
      "order": {
         "accountId": "512322",
         "referenceCode": "PRODUCT_TEST_2021-06-10T22:29:35.451Z",
         "description": "Payment test description",
         "language": "es",
         "signature": "70f33e263fbcdf18103101dfc86671ab",
         "notifyUrl": "",
         "additionalValues": {
            "TX_VALUE": {
               "value": 1000,
               "currency": "ARS"
         "buyer": {
            "merchantBuyerId": "1",
            "fullName": "First name and second buyer name",
            "emailAddress": "",
            "contactPhone": "7563126",
            "dniNumber": "123456789",
            "shippingAddress": {
               "street1": "Av Centenario 837",
               "street2": "5555487",
               "city": "San Isidro",
               "state": "AR-B",
               "country": "AR",
               "postalCode": "000000",
               "phone": "7563126"
         "shippingAddress": {
            "street1": "Av Centenario 837",
            "street2": "5555487",
            "city": "San Isidro",
            "state": "AR-B",
            "country": "AR",
            "postalCode": "0000000",
            "phone": "7563126"
      "payer": {
         "merchantPayerId": "1",
         "fullName": "First name and second payer name",
         "emailAddress": "",
         "contactPhone": "7563126",
         "dniNumber": "5415668464654",
         "billingAddress": {
            "street1": "Av Centenario 837",
            "street2": "5555487",
            "city": "San Isidro",
            "state": "AR-B",
            "country": "AR",
            "postalCode": "000000",
            "phone": "7563126"
      "creditCard": {
         "number": "4850110000000000",
         "securityCode": "777",
         "expirationDate": "2022/12",
         "name": "APPROVED"
      "extraParameters": {
      "paymentMethod": "VISA",
      "paymentCountry": "AR",
      "deviceSessionId": "vghs6tvkcle931686k1900o6e1",
      "ipAddress": "",
      "cookie": "pt1t38347bs6jc9ruv2ecpv7o2",
      "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0"
   "test": false

Response body:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "transactionResponse": {
        "orderId": 1400421870,
        "transactionId": "fc7e5dce-0b69-4865-b7c3-acb0170c1729",
        "state": "APPROVED",
        "paymentNetworkResponseCode": "0",
        "paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage": null,
        "trazabilityCode": "fc7e5dce-0b69-4865-b7c3-acb0170c1729",
        "authorizationCode": "NPS-011111",
        "pendingReason": null,
        "responseCode": "APPROVED",
        "errorCode": null,
        "responseMessage": "APROBADA - Autorizada",
        "transactionDate": null,
        "transactionTime": null,
        "operationDate": 1623346177300,
        "referenceQuestionnaire": null,
        "extraParameters": {
        "additionalInfo": null

Request body:

         <description>Payment test description</description>
            <fullName>First name and second buyer name</fullName>
               <street1>Av Centenario 837</street1>
               <city>San Isidro</city>
            <street1>Av Centenario 837</street1>
            <city>San Isidro</city>
         <fullName>First name and second payer name</fullName>
            <street1>Av Centenario 837</street1>
            <city>San Isidro</city>
      <userAgent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0</userAgent>

Response body:

        <responseMessage>APROBADA - Autorizada</responseMessage>


When processing transactions with credit cards, you need to show the following aspects to your customer when processing installments:



Number in the screen Option Description
1 Total purchase Total amount of the purchase without financing.
2 Total payment Total amount financed of the purchase.
3 Installments Number of installments and their amount.
4 TEA The annual effective interest rate (TEA) applied.
5 CFT The total financial cost (CFT).

The information of the total financial cost (CFT) must comply with the following directions:

  1. Must be located next to the reported variables.

  2. Must appear in a prominent color typeface using the same font and size of at least five times bigger than the one used to inform the annual effective interest rate (TEA), the number of installments, and their amount.

According to the current regulations, you cannot use the phrase without interest (in Spanish, “sin interés”) or any other similar phrase, when the financial cost of the product or service is transferred to the customer’s selling price.

Submit transaction with cash

This method lets you process the payments in cash of your customers. To integrate with cash transactions, you must redirect the customer to the URL found in the response of the method; your customer sees a payment receipt like this.


Variables for request and response

Field name Format Size Description Mandatory
language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in the request, this language is used to display the error messages generated. See supported languages. Yes
command Alphanumeric Max:32 Set SUBMIT_TRANSACTION. Yes
test (JSON)
isTest (XML)
Boolean Set true if the request is in test mode. Otherwise, set false. Yes
merchant This object has the authentication data. Yes
merchant > apiLogin Alphanumeric Min:12 Max:32 User or login provided by PayU. How do I get my API Login Yes
merchant > apiKey Alphanumeric Min:6 Max:32 Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key Yes
transaction This object has the transaction data. Yes
transaction > order This object has the order data. Yes
transaction > order > accountId Number Identifier of your account. Yes
transaction > order > referenceCode Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Represents the identifier of the order in your system. Yes
transaction > order > description Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Description of the order. Yes
transaction > order > language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in emails sent to the buyer and the seller. Yes
transaction > order > notifyUrl Alphanumeric Max:2048 Confirmation URL of the order. No
transaction > order > partnerId Alphanumeric Max:255 Partner ID in PayU. No
transaction > order > signature Alphanumeric Max:255 The signature associated to the form. For more information refer Authentication signature. Yes
transaction > order > shippingAddress Shipping address. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > street1 Alphanumeric Max:100 Address Line 1. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > street2 Alphanumeric Max:100 Address Line 2. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > city Alphanumeric Max:50 Address city. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > state Alphanumeric Max:40 Address State. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > country Alphanumeric 2 Address country. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > postalCode Alphanumeric Max:8 Address Zip code. No
transaction > order > shippingAddress > phone Alphanumeric Max:11 Phone number associated to the address. No
transaction > order > buyer Buyer information. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > merchantBuyerId Alphanumeric Max:100 Buyer ID in your system. No
transaction > order > buyer > fullName Alphanumeric Max:150 Full name of the buyer. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > emailAddress Alphanumeric Max:255 E-mail of the buyer. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > contactPhone Alphanumeric Max:20 Phone number of the buyer. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > dniNumber Alphanumeric Max:20 Identification number of the buyer. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress Alphanumeric Shipping address of the buyer. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > street1 Alphanumeric Max:150 Buyer’s shipping address Line 1. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > city Alphanumeric Max:50 Buyer’s shipping address city. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > state Alphanumeric Max:40 Buyer’s shipping address state. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > country Alphanumeric 2 Buyer’s shipping address country in format ISO 3166 alpha-2. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > postalCode Number Max:20 Buyer’s shipping address zip code. Yes
transaction > order > buyer > shippingAddress > phone Number Max:20 Buyer’s shipping address phone number. Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > 64 Amount of the order or its associated values. Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_VALUE Alphanumeric 64 Amount of the transaction. Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_VALUE > value Number 12, 2 Specifies the amount of the transaction, this value may have two decimal digits (Ex. 10000.00 or 10000). Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_VALUE > currency Alphanumeric 3 ISO code of the currency. See accepted currencies. Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX Alphanumeric 64 Amount of the Value Added Tax (VAT). Yes
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX > value Number 12, 2 Specifies the amount of the VAT. No
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX > currency Alphanumeric 3 ISO code of the currency. See accepted currencies. No
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE Alphanumeric 64 Base value to calculate the VAT.
If the amount does not have IVA, send 0.
This value may have two decimal digits.
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE > value Number 12, 2 Specifies the base amount of the transaction. No
transaction > order > additionalValues > TX_TAX_RETURN_BASE > currency Alphanumeric 3 ISO code of the currency. See accepted currencies. No
transaction > payer Payer information. Yes
transaction > payer > emailAddress Alphanumeric Max:255 Payer e-mail address. Yes
transaction > payer > merchantPayerId Alphanumeric Max:100 Identifier of the payer in your system. No
transaction > payer > fullName Alphanumeric Max:150 Name of the payer. Yes
transaction > payer > billingAddress Billing address. Yes
transaction > payer > billingAddress > street1 Alphanumeric Max:100 Billing Address Line 1. Yes
transaction > payer > billingAddress > street2 Alphanumeric Max:100 Billing Address Line 2. No
transaction > payer > billingAddress > city Alphanumeric Max:50 Billing address city. Yes
transaction > payer > billingAddress > state Alphanumeric Max:40 Billing address state. Yes
transaction > payer > billingAddress > country Alphanumeric 2 Billing address country in format ISO 3166 Alpha-2. Yes
transaction > payer > billingAddress > postalCode Alphanumeric Max:20 Billing address zip code. No
transaction > payer > billingAddress > phone Alphanumeric Max:20 Billing address phone number. No
transaction > payer > birthdate Alphanumeric Max:10 Payer’s date of birth. No
transaction > payer > contactPhone Alphanumeric Max:20 Payer’s phone number. Yes
transaction > payer > dniNumber Alphanumeric Max:20 Identification number of the buyer. Yes
transaction > payer > dniType Alphanumeric 2 Identification type of the buyer. See Document types. No
transaction > type Alphanumeric 32 As cash payments are performed in physical offices, the only available transaction type is AUTHORIZATION_AND_CAPTURE Yes
transaction > paymentMethod Alphanumeric 32 Select a valid Payment Method in cash. See the available Payment Methods for Argentina. Yes
transaction > paymentCountry Alphanumeric 2 Set AR for Argentina. Yes
transaction > expirationDate Alphanumeric 23 Maximum date and time that the payer has to make the payment. Format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS, for example 2021-06-12T16:07:11.586. No
transaction > ipAddress Alphanumeric Max:39 IP address of the device where the customer performs the transaction. Yes
Field name Format Size Description
code Alphanumeric The response code of the transaction. Possible values are ERROR and SUCCESS.
error Alphanumeric Max:2048 The error message associated when the response code is ERROR.
transactionResponse The response data.
transactionResponse > orderId Number The generated or existing order Id in PayU.
transactionResponse > transactionId Alphanumeric 36 The identifier of the transaction in PayU.
transactionResponse > state Alphanumeric Max:32 The status of the transaction. As the payment is performed by the user in a physical office, the state for a successful transaction is PENDING
transactionResponse > paymentNetworkResponseCode Alphanumeric Max:255 The response code returned by the financial network.
transactionResponse > paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage Alphanumeric Max:255 The error message returned by the financial network.
transactionResponse > trazabilityCode Alphanumeric Max:32 The traceability code returned by the financial network.
transactionResponse > authorizationCode Alphanumeric Max:12 The authorization code returned by the financial network.
transactionResponse > pendingReason Alphanumeric Max:21 The reason code associated with the status, as mentioned in transactionResponse > state, the transaction is waiting for the payment.
transactionResponse > responseCode Alphanumeric Max:64 The response code associated with the status. In this case, for successful transactions is PENDING_TRANSACTION_CONFIRMATION.
transactionResponse > responseMessage Alphanumeric Max:2048 Message associated with the response code.
transactionResponse > operationDate Date Creation date of the response in the PayU´s system.
transactionResponse > extraParameters Additional parameters or data associated with the response.
In JSON, the extraParameters parameter follows this structure:
"extraParameters": {
"REFERENCE": "74794"

In XML, the extraParameters parameter follows this structure:


  • The parameter transaction.expirationDate is not mandatory. If you don’t send this parameter, its default value is 15 days after the current date.
    If you send a date later than the default number of days, PayU will ignore this value and the expiration will be set as default.
  • The parameter transactionResponse.extraParameters has the following parameters related to the transaction:
    • REFERENCE: internal payment reference generated by PayU.
    • EXPIRATION_DATE: maximum term for the payer to perform the payment.
    • BAR_CODE: barcode which lets the payer perform the payment.
    • URL_PAYMENT_RECEIPT_HTML: payment receipt in HTML format. This is where you need to redirect the payment when the payer selects cash payment.
    • URL_PAYMENT_RECEIPT_PDF: payment receipt in PDF format.

API call

The following are the bodies of the request and response of this payment method.

Request body:

   "language": "es",
   "command": "SUBMIT_TRANSACTION",
   "merchant": {
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA",
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u"
   "transaction": {
      "order": {
         "accountId": "512322",
         "referenceCode": "PRODUCT_TEST_2021-06-10T20:25:15.868Z",
         "description": "Payment test description",
         "language": "es",
         "signature": "1ffceb14a71948fdeaba5aef81b8e511",
         "notifyUrl": "",
         "additionalValues": {
            "TX_VALUE": {
               "value": 1000,
               "currency": "ARS"
         "buyer": {
            "merchantBuyerId": "1",
            "fullName": "First name and second buyer name",
            "emailAddress": "",
            "contactPhone": "7563126",
            "dniNumber": "5415668464654",
            "shippingAddress": {
               "street1": "Av Centenario 837",
               "street2": "5555487",
               "city": "San Isidro",
               "state": "AR-B",
               "country": "AR",
               "postalCode": "000000",
               "phone": "7563126"
         "shippingAddress": {
            "street1": "Av Centenario 837",
            "street2": "5555487",
            "city": "San Isidro",
            "state": "AR-B",
            "country": "AR",
            "postalCode": "0000000",
            "phone": "7563126"
      "payer": {
         "merchantPayerId": "1",
         "fullName": "First name and second payer name",
         "emailAddress": "",
         "contactPhone": "7563126",
         "dniNumber": "5415668464654",
         "billingAddress": {
            "street1": "Av Centenario 837",
            "street2": "125544",
            "city": "San Isidro",
            "state": "AR-B",
            "country": "AR",
            "postalCode": "000000",
            "phone": "7563126"
      "paymentMethod": "PAGOFACIL",
      "expirationDate": "2021-06-12T16:07:11",
      "paymentCountry": "AR",
      "ipAddress": ""
   "test": false

Response body:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "transactionResponse": {
        "orderId": 857787128,
        "transactionId": "702ee8a1-d99c-43cc-a097-167db0d7ff1a",
        "state": "PENDING",
        "paymentNetworkResponseCode": null,
        "paymentNetworkResponseErrorMessage": null,
        "trazabilityCode": null,
        "authorizationCode": null,
        "pendingReason": "AWAITING_NOTIFICATION",
        "errorCode": null,
        "responseMessage": null,
        "transactionDate": null,
        "transactionTime": null,
        "operationDate": null,
        "referenceQuestionnaire": null,
        "extraParameters": {
            "REFERENCE": 74794,
            "URL_PAYMENT_RECEIPT_PDF": "",
            "EXPIRATION_DATE": 1623514031586,
            "BAR_CODE": "99580010000074794000000000000000000001206211107000010000083",
            "URL_PAYMENT_RECEIPT_HTML": ""
        "additionalInfo": null

Request body:

         <description>Payment test description</description>
            <fullName>First name and second buyer name</fullName>
               <street1>Av Centenario 837</street1>
               <city>San Isidro</city>
            <street1>Av Centenario 837</street1>
               <city>San Isidro</city>
            <street1>Av Centenario 837</street1>
            <city>San Isidro</city>
         <fullName>First name and second payer name</fullName>

Response body:


Available payment methods query

This method returns a list of the payment methods available in all countries.

Variables for request and response

Field name Format Size Description Mandatory
language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in the request, this language is used to display the error messages generated. See supported languages. Yes
command Alphanumeric Max:32 Set GET_PAYMENT_METHODS. Yes
test (JSON)
isTest (XML)
Boolean Set true if the request is in test mode. Otherwise, set false. Yes
merchant This object has the authentication data. Yes
merchant > apiLogin Alphanumeric Min:12 Max:32 User or login provided by PayU. How do I get my API Login Yes
merchant > apiKey Alphanumeric Min:6 Max:32 Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key Yes
Field name Format Size Description Mandatory
code Alphanumeric The response code of the transaction. Possible values are ERROR and SUCCESS. Yes
error Alphanumeric Max:2048 The error message associated when the response code is ERROR. Yes
paymentMethods List of the payment methods. Yes
paymentMethods > paymentMethodComplete This object has the information of a payment method. Yes
paymentMethods > paymentMethodComplete > id Numeric Payment method identifier. Yes
paymentMethods > paymentMethodComplete > description Alphanumeric Max:32 Payment method name. Yes
paymentMethods > paymentMethodComplete > country Alphanumeric 2 ISO code of the Payment method country. Yes

API call

The following are the bodies of the request and response of this method. For the sake of the example, the response here shows two payment methods.

Request body:

   "test": false,
   "language": "en",
   "command": "GET_PAYMENT_METHODS",
   "merchant": {
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"

Response body:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "paymentMethods": [
            "id": "201",
            "description": "ARGENCARD",
            "country": "AR",
            "enabled": true,
            "reason": null
            "id": "212",
            "description": "MASTERCARD",
            "country": "AR",
            "enabled": true,
            "reason": null

Request body:


Response body:



The PING method lets you verify the connection to our platform.

Variables for request and response

Field name Format Size Description Mandatory
language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in the request, this language is used to display the error messages generated. See supported languages. Yes
command Alphanumeric Max:32 Set PING. Yes
test (JSON)
isTest (XML)
Boolean Set true if the request is in test mode. Otherwise, set false. Yes
merchant This object has the authentication data. Yes
merchant > apiLogin Alphanumeric Min:12 Max:32 User or login provided by PayU. How do I get my API Login Yes
merchant > apiKey Alphanumeric Min:6 Max:32 Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key Yes
Field name Format Size Description
code Alphanumeric The response code of the transaction.
error Alphanumeric Max:2048 The error message associated if an error ocurred.
transactionResponse transactionResponse Max:2048 The response of the PING method if an error ocurred.

Api call

The following are the bodies of the request and response of this method.

Request body:

   "test": false,
   "language": "en",
   "command": "PING",
   "merchant": {
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"

Response body:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "transactionResponse": null

Request body:


Response body:

Last modified May 17, 2022: Fixes for partial captures (a5f177cb)