Promotions API for Argentina and Mexico

Promotions feature lets you consult the valid promotions, along with their associate costs, characteristics, and further relevant information available for your customers. Promotions API applies only to Argentina and Mexico (MSI - Meses Sin Intereses).

These sections explains how to integrate using Promotions or using MSI (Only Available for Mexico).


This feature lets you consult via API, the promotions in force, their characteristics and further information you want to present to the customers.

A Promotion has the payment method, the days of the week when it applies, the list of banks, and the start and end date when the promotion applies.

Authentication for Promotions

For Promotions, you need to authenticate and authorize the petitions received by your server using a HMAC based mechanism. To authenticate, you need to know your MerchantPublicKey, you can get this information in your PayU Module (Settings > Technical configuration > Public Key).


Configuring the authentication

You must include the headers Authorization and Date. The Authorization header follows this structure:

"Hmac" + " " + MerchantPublicKey + ":" + Signature

Where Signature is created as follows:

Signature = Base64(HMAC-SHA256(MerchantApiKey,ContentToSign)) 

And ContentToSign corresponds to:

HTTP-Verb + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" +
Date + "\n" +

The following examples shows how to create the Authentication header using the following test values:



Fri, 28 Apr 2017 18:32:01 GMT





Crypt the ContentToSign using MerchantApiKey as passphrase. Then, concatenate the result with the MerchantPublicKeyas explained before, the result is as follows:


Hmac PKaC6H4cEDJD919n705L544kSU:sIxh54sANfKaxO0ugX6QwhPmZRS+TGy8gmdCwr3kjP0= 

To avoid replay attacks, send the header Date following this format:


Mon, 11 May 2015 21:14:41 GMT

Due to some restrictions in REST clients, you can also send the x-hmac-date header to meet security requirements, this header follows the same format used in Date:


Mon, 11 May 2015 21:14:41 GMT

Consult available promotions

To consult the promotions available with Promotions API, target your request to the following URLs according to your environment.

As this is a RESTful service, we strongly recommend you do not validate the scheme. If the schema is not validated, the integration is not affected, and you only need to perform small changes to implement new features when an update is added to the Web Service.

Variables for request and response

Request parameters
Parameter Description Mandatory
accountId Identifier of your account. Yes
currency Currency of your account No
amount Amount of the purchase Yes
paymentMethod Send this method if you want to filter the Promotions by Payment method. No
Field name Format Size Description
promotion > id Integer Identifier of promotion in PayU platform.
promotion > title String 50 Promotion title.
promotion > termsAndConditions String 250 Terms and conditions applicable to the promotion.
promotion > paymentMethod String Name of the payment method available for the promotion.
promotion > subFranchise String Name of sub-brand/sub-franchise of a given payment method.
promotion > banks List List of banks where the promotion applies.
promotion > iins List List of the bank IIN/BINES where the promotion applies.
promotion > days List List of days where the promotion applies.
promotion > startDate Datetime Date when promotion starts.
promotion > endDate Datetime Date when promotion ends.
paymentMethodFee List Description of the cost assumed by the merchant according to a payment method.
paymentMethodFee > paymentMethodFeeDetail.paymentMethod String Name of the payment method.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees Object that has all the pricing for a payment method and installment, or all the installment (for countries that have a installment-based system).
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > installments String Installment (1) or set of installments (1-36 for countries with installment-based ranges).
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing It has the Pricing values by default for the transaction.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > payerDetail It has the values of interests and fees that will be applied to the payer.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > payerDetail > commission Decimal Total fees to be applied to the payer, includes fees and taxes, if applicable.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > payerDetail > interests Decimal Total interests to be applied to the payer, includes fees and taxes, if applicable.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > payerDetail > total Decimal The total value to be paid by the payer for fees and interests.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > merchantDetail > commission Merchant Detail Total fees to be applied to the business, includes fees and taxes, if applicable.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > merchantDetail > interests Decimal Total interests to be applied to the business, includes fees and taxes, if applicable.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > merchantDetail > total Decimal The total value to be paid by the business because of fees and interests.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > totalValue Decimal Payment total, is the value submitted by the business plus the fees and interests that may correspond to the payer.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > totalIncomeTransaction Decimal Total income of the transaction.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > additionalInfo Information of the annual effective interest rate (TEA) applied and the total financial cost (CFT).
This information is available for Argentina.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > additionalInfo > cft Decimal Total Financial Cost applied.
paymentMethodFeeDetail > pricingFees > fee > pricing > additionalInfo > tea Decimal Annual Effective Interest rate applied.

API Call

To consult the available promotions, send the request as follows:


The value for the variable {env-api} displayed above is sandbox.api for testing and api for production mode. Furthermore, the paymentMethod parameter is optional if you want to filter by a given payment method. Example:


Response example:

    "amount": {
        "value": 1000.00,
        "tax": 0,
        "purchaseValue": 1000.00,
        "currency": "ARS"
    "convertedAmount": {
        "value": 1000.00,
        "tax": 0.00,
        "purchaseValue": 1000.00,
        "currency": "ARS"
    "promotions": [
            "id": 49,
            "title": "Promotion_ID AMEX",
            "termsAndConditions": "SI",
            "paymentMethodMain": "AMEX",
            "startDate": "2018-08-16 18:48:00",
            "endDate": "2090-08-16 18:48:00",
            "days": [
            "priority": 10,
            "type": "MSI"
            "id": 45,
            "title": "Promotion Test - Master",
            "termsAndConditions": "Terminos y condiciones",
            "paymentMethodMain": "MASTERCARD",
            "startDate": "2018-06-26 17:06:00",
            "endDate": "2030-06-26 17:06:00",
            "days": [
            "priority": 10,
            "type": "MSI"
    "paymentMethodFee": [
            "paymentMethod": "DINERS",
            "pricingFees": [
                    "installments": "1",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 0.00
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1000.00,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "0%",
                            "tea": "0%"
                    "installments": "3",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 171.29,
                            "total": 171.29
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1171.29,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "162%",
                            "tea": "123.28%"
                    "installments": "6",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 230.01,
                            "total": 230.01
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1230.01,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "107%",
                            "tea": "83.97%"
                    "installments": "9",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 340.05,
                            "total": 340.05
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1340.04,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "108%",
                            "tea": "85.03%"
                    "installments": "12",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 490.01,
                            "total": 490.01
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1490.02,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "119%",
                            "tea": "93.68%"
                    "installments": "18",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 641.38,
                            "total": 641.38
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1641.39,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "97%",
                            "tea": "77.91%"
                    "installments": "24",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 822.72,
                            "total": 822.72
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1822.72,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "90%",
                            "tea": "72.47%"
            "paymentMethod": "AMEX",
            "pricingFees": [
                    "installments": "1",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 0.00
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1000.00,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "0%",
                            "tea": "0%"
                    "promos": [
                            "id": 49,
                            "pricing": {
                                "payerDetail": {
                                    "commission": 0.00,
                                    "interests": 0.00,
                                    "total": 0.00
                                "merchantDetail": {
                                    "commission": 1044.65,
                                    "interests": 0.00,
                                    "total": 1044.65
                                "totalValue": 1000.00,
                                "totalIncomeTransaction": -44.65,
                                "additionalInfo": {
                                    "cft": "0%",
                                    "tea": "0%"
                            "priority": 10
                    "installments": "3",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 171.29,
                            "total": 171.29
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1171.29,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "162%",
                            "tea": "123.28%"
                    "installments": "6",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 230.01,
                            "total": 230.01
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1230.01,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "107%",
                            "tea": "83.97%"
                    "installments": "9",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 340.05,
                            "total": 340.05
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1340.04,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "108%",
                            "tea": "85.03%"
                    "installments": "12",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 490.01,
                            "total": 490.01
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1490.02,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "119%",
                            "tea": "93.68%"
                    "installments": "18",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 641.38,
                            "total": 641.38
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1641.39,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "97%",
                            "tea": "77.91%"
                    "installments": "24",
                    "pricing": {
                        "payerDetail": {
                            "commission": 0.00,
                            "interests": 822.72,
                            "total": 822.72
                        "merchantDetail": {
                            "commission": 44.65,
                            "interests": 0.00,
                            "total": 44.65
                        "totalValue": 1822.72,
                        "totalIncomeTransaction": 955.35,
                        "additionalInfo": {
                            "cft": "90%",
                            "tea": "72.47%"
    "paymentTaxesDetails": [],
    "taxesServiceFailed": true
<consultPriceListResponse xmlns:atom="" xmlns:ns3="">
        <promotion id="49" title="Promotion_ID AMEX">
            <startDate>2018-08-16 18:48:00</startDate>
            <endDate>2090-08-16 18:48:00</endDate>
        <promotion id="45" title="Promotion Test - Master">
            <termsAndConditions>Terminos y condiciones</termsAndConditions>
            <startDate>2018-06-26 17:06:00</startDate>
            <endDate>2030-06-26 17:06:00</endDate>
        <paymentMethodFeeDetail paymentMethod="DINERS">
                <fee installments="1">
                <fee installments="3">
                <fee installments="6">
                <fee installments="9">
                <fee installments="12">
                <fee installments="18">
                <fee installments="24">
        <paymentMethodFeeDetail paymentMethod="AMEX">
                <fee installments="1">
                        <promo id="49">
                <fee installments="3">
                <fee installments="6">
                <fee installments="9">
                <fee installments="12">
                <fee installments="18">
                <fee installments="24">

Execute a transaction with Promotions

Once you have selected the promotion, you need to include the promotion ID an the number of installments as an extra parameter:

"extraParameters": {
    "INSTALLMENTS_NUMBER": (Number of installments),
    "PROMOTION_ID": (Promotion Id selected)
        <string>Number of installments</string>
        <string>Promotion Id selected</string>

To learn how to include these extra parameters, refer to the Payments API for Argentina and Mexico.

Months Without Interests (MSI - Meses Sin Intereses)

If your account is in Mexico, you can offer to your customers the option to pay in a determined number of interest-free installments. If you want to enable this feature, contact your sale representative.


  • The numbers of installments supported are 3, 6, 9, 12, or 18.
  • The minimum values for MSI depends on the number of installments selected:
    • 3 > $300 MXN
    • 6 > $600 MXN
    • 9 > $900 MXN
    • 12 > $1200 MXN
    • 18 > $1800 MXN
  • The available banks for MSI are: BANAMEX, BANCO REGIONAL DE MONTERREY S.A, BANCOPPEL, BANCO AZTECA, SCOTIABANK, HSBC, INBURSA, BANCA MIFEL SA, BANCO MULTIVA, BAJIO, CI BANCO, Afirme, Banregio, Banjercito, Banorte, Famsa, Invex, Premium Card Liverpool, Santander, and Bancomer.
  • When using MSI, always display the phrase “PAGOS DIFERIDOS” during the payment process.

Variables for MSI

To use MSI, you need to include the number of months as an extra parameter:

"extraParameters": {
    "INSTALLMENTS_NUMBER": (Number of months)
        <string>Number of months</string>

To learn how to include these parameters, refer to the Payments API for Mexico.

Last modified November 3, 2021: Changes found during the translation procedure (f2b9d537)