Payment Form

With this HTML form, you can send the transaction request to our payment gateway along with the purchase information. Send the request using the HTTP POST method.

In this topic, you find how to send data from one transaction to the PayU payment gateway. To do so, You must generate an HTML form with the transaction data using the HTTP POST method and pointing it to our system.


  • Make sure you have the right merchantId, accountId, and apiKey.
  • Use a different payment reference per payment.
  • Do not include spaces in parameter values.
  • Do not include values with more than two decimal places.
  • Do not include special characters in the referenceCode parameter.


The following variables can be included in the Payment form.

Variables in the payment form
Field Type Size Description Mandatory
merchantId Number 12 ID number of your shop in PayU’s system, you will find this number in the account creation e-mail. Yes
referenceCode Alphanumeric 255 Reference of the sale or order. It must be unique for each transaction that is sent to the system. Usually, this is a way to identify the requests sent to the payment gateway. Yes
accountId Number 6 ID of the user account for each country associated with the shop. This variable is used to display the available payment methods for this country. Yes
description Alphanumeric 255 Sale’s description. Yes
currency Alphanumeric 3 The respective currency in which the payment is made. The reconciliation process is performed in Colombian pesos at the representative rate of the day.
See accepted currencies.
amount Number 10 Total amount of the transaction. It can contain two decimal digits. Example 10000.00 or 10000. Yes
tax Number 10,2 Value of the VAT of the transaction.
In Colombia, if no VAT is sent, the system applies 19% automatically. It can contain two decimal digits, for example 19000.00.
If the product or service is VAT exempt, assign 0 to this variable.
discount Number 10,2 Discount value applied to the sale. No
taxReturnBase Number 10,2 Base value to calculate the VAT.
If the product or service is VAT exempt, assign 0 to this variable.
additionalValue Number 10,2 Additional value of the sale. No
signature Alphanumeric 255 Digital signature created for each transaction. Refer to Signature for Payment form to learn how to generate it. Yes
algorithmSignature Alphanumeric 255 Encryption algorithm of the digital signature (signature field). The three available algorithms are: MD5, SHA and SHA256. No
test Number 1 Indicates whether the transaction is in test or production mode. Set 1 for test and 0 for production. No
lng Alphanumeric 3 Language in which the payment gateway is wished to be displayed.
See supported languages.
extra1 Alphanumeric 255 Additional field to send information about the purchase. No
extra2 Alphanumeric 255 Additional field to send information about the purchase. No
extra3 Alphanumeric 255 Additional field to send information about the purchase. No
template Alphanumeric 255 Template for the payment page. No
responseUrl Alphanumeric 255 The URL of the response page. No
confirmationUrl Alphanumeric 255 The URL of the confirmation page. No
sourceUrl Alphanumeric 255 Source URL of the merchant transactions. This is where the payment button is located. No
airline Alphanumeric 4 Airline code. No
billingAddress Alphanumeric 255 The correspondence address. No
shippingAddress Alphanumeric 255 The delivery address of the merchandise.
* Mandatory if your shop ships the product.
billingCity Alphanumeric 50 City associated with the billing address. No
shippingCity Alphanumeric 50 The delivery City of the merchandise
* Mandatory if your shop ships the product.
zipCode Alphanumeric 20 Postal code. No
billingCountry Alphanumeric 2 The ISO country code associated with the billing address. No
shippingCountry Alphanumeric 2 The delivery ISO country code for the merchandise.
* Mandatory if your shop ships the product.
See processing countries.
buyerEmail Alphanumeric 255 Field that contains the buyer’s e-mail to notify the result of the transaction by e-mail. It is recommended to validate if this field has been provided in the form. Yes
telephone Alphanumeric 50 The buyer’s residence phone. Yes
officeTelephone Alphanumeric 50 The buyer’s daytime phone. No
mobilePhone Alphanumeric 50 The buyer’s cell phone number. This value will be taken to fill out the credit card form and will be the contact telephone number. No
buyerFullName Alphanumeric 150 The buyer’s full name. Yes
paymentMethods Alphanumeric 255 List of payment methods enabled in the payment process.
This list must be separated by comma and without blanks. For example: VISA,MASTERCARD.
You can include installments for the payment methods adding them using hyphens. Example: VISA-1-3,MASTERCARD-3-5-9.
See the available Payment Methods for your country in the column paymentMethod parameter.
administrativeFee Number 10,2 Amount of the administrative fee. No
taxAdministrativeFee Number 10,2 Amount of tax of the administrative fee. No
taxAdministrativeFeeReturnBase Number 10,2 Base value to calculate the tax of the administrative fee. No
payerEmail Alphanumeric 255 The payer’s e-mail. No
payerPhone Alphanumeric 20 The payer’s phone number. No
payerOfficePhone Alphanumeric 20 The payer’s workplace phone number. No
payerMobilePhone Alphanumeric 20 The payer’s mobile phone number. No
expirationDate Alphanumeric 19 Expiration date of the transactions for Cash payments. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.
This value must be lower than the default number of days for the cash payment (15 days for Argentina and 7 days for the other countries).
payerFullName Alphanumeric 50 The payer’s name. This value will be taken to fill out the credit card form. No
payerDocument Alphanumeric 25 The buyer’s identification number. This value will be taken to fill out the credit card form. No
payerDocumentType Alphanumeric 25 The buyer’s identification number. This value will be taken to fill out the credit card form. No
iin Alphanumeric 2048 List of Bins admitted during the payment process (separated by comma).
This parameter can only be used by merchants that validate signature.
paymentMethodsDescription Alphanumeric 255 Description of the payment methods and Bins admitted during the payment process. No
pseBanks Alphanumeric 255 List of bank codes enabled in the payment process through PSE.
This list must be separated by comma and without blanks.

Considerations in variables

  • The tax is the VAT that may be used in some countries and the taxReturnBase is the base value to calculate the VAT. If your product is tax exempt, assign both variables to 0 (tax=0, taxReturnBase=0).
  • If some elements have the tax and it does not apply to others, you must perform the following calculation to find out how to send the values to the payment platform.
Product taxReturnBase tax Amount
A 84.033 15.966 (19%) 100.000
B 181.818 18.181 (10%) 200.000
C 0 0 (0%) 150.000
Total 268.851 34.147 450.000
  • For businesses registered in Colombia that belong to the program Régimen común, if you don’t send the tax, PayU automatically calculates the tax using 19%. If your business belongs to the program Régimen simplificado, if you don’t send the tax, PayU automatically assigns the value as zero (0).

Form example

The following is an example of a basic Payment form using only the mandatory fields and pointing the request to the sandbox environment (test mode).

 <form method="post" action="">
  <input name="merchantId"      type="hidden"  value="508029"   >
  <input name="accountId"       type="hidden"  value="512321" >
  <input name="description"     type="hidden"  value="Test PAYU"  >
  <input name="referenceCode"   type="hidden"  value="TestPayU" >
  <input name="amount"          type="hidden"  value="20000"   >
  <input name="tax"             type="hidden"  value="3193"  >
  <input name="taxReturnBase"   type="hidden"  value="16806" >
  <input name="currency"        type="hidden"  value="COP" >
  <input name="signature"       type="hidden"  value="7ee7cf808ce6a39b17481c54f2c57acc"  >
  <input name="test"            type="hidden"  value="0" >
  <input name="buyerEmail"      type="hidden"  value="" >
  <input name="responseUrl"     type="hidden"  value="" >
  <input name="confirmationUrl" type="hidden"  value="" >
  <input name="Submit"          type="submit"  value="Send" >

If your shop ships the products, you need to include the following values:

  <input name="shippingAddress"    type="hidden"  value="calle 93 n 47 - 65"   >
  <input name="shippingCity"       type="hidden"  value="Bogotá" >
  <input name="shippingCountry"    type="hidden"  value="CO"  >

The URL configured in action depends on the environment:


Signature for Payment form

The signature is a method to validate payments made through the platform and ensuring its authenticity. It consists of a string encrypted using MD5, SHA1, or SHA256. The string is created as follows:


For example, with the following data:

merchantId: 508029
ApiKey: 4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA
referenceCode: TestPayU
amount: 20000
currency: COP
accountId: 512326

The signature is:


Encrypted using MD5:


Encrypted using SHA1:


Encrypted using SHA256:


Compare your signature


 ( ~ ~ ~ ~ )


This calculator lets you generate the signature using any of the available encryption methods.

Last modified March 2, 2022: Checkbox to display the mandatory fields only (bd6f7fa2)