Anti-fraud Guarantee

PayU offers the Anti-fraud Guarantee that protects merchants against the lost due to fraud transactions.

PayU assumes the fraud or supplantation of the cardholders when a Dispute process has been started by a customer. To request the activation of the Anti-fraud Guarantee, contact your sales representative.


Before using the Anti-fraud Guarantee, take into account the following:

  • Anti-fraud Guarantee is not offered by default. Merchants must request it and sign a document where the condition of the guarantees are reflected.
  • The activation of Anti-fraud Guarantee depends on your economic activity. Anti-fraud Guarantee does not cover the sale of services, as well as music, videos, MP3, electronic books, products offered in stores or adult websites, vouchers, gift cards; nor other goods or mechanisms through which the aforementioned products can be acquired.
  • Anti-fraud Guarantee applies only for transactions performed with credit card.
  • PayU validates the evidence of the dispute process and determines whether the chargeback is applies to Anti-fraud Guarantee.
  • If you don’t provide evidence of the dispute in the specified times, the result of this will be Lost and the Anti-fraud Guarantee will not apply.
  • Anti-fraud Guarantee does not apply for disputes requested due to customer dissatisfaction with the purchased product.

How does the Anti-fraud Guarantee work?

Anti-fraud Guarantee is applied following the next flow.

  1. Once PayU notifies you about a Dispute, you must provide the evidence to response to it in the terms specified for your country. If you don’t provide evidence, the dispute will be lost and the funds of this sale will be debited from your account and Anti-fraud Guarantee will not apply.
    Learn here what evidence you can provide to resolve the dispute.

  2. After you have provided the evidence to resolve the dispute, PayU validates whether the chargebacks apply to be covered by Anti-fraud Guarantee.

  3. If the chargebacks apply, PayU returns the funds to your virtual account through discretionary movements.

The result of the Anti-fraud Guarantee process can be consulted in the Disputes module.


Furthermore, you can consult the discretionary movements in your Financial Statement.


Last modified October 22, 2021: Update mandatory parameters for Cash payments in Peru (859a4b25)