Tokenization API

Tokenization API allows you to safely store the data of your customers' credit cards through the creation of a token. This token lets you make regular charges or implement the 1 Click payment feature, following PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) security standards to handle credit card data.

Tokenization feature is available under customized commercial agreements. For more information, contact your sales representative.

To integrate with Tokenization API, target your request to the following URLs according to your environment.

Available methods

Tokenization API includes methods to register and remove tokens, and methods to query tokens.

Individual credit card registration

Using this feature, you can register the information of a customer’s credit card and get a token.

Variables for request and response

Field name Format Size Description Mandatory
language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in the request, this language is used to display the error messages generated. See supported languages. Yes
command Alphanumeric Max:32 Set CREATE_TOKEN. Yes
merchant This object has the authentication data. Yes
merchant > apiLogin Alphanumeric Min:12 Max:32 User or login provided by PayU. How do I get my API Login Yes
merchant > apiKey Alphanumeric Min:6 Max:32 Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key Yes
creditCardToken Information of the credit card to be tokenized. Yes
creditCardToken > payerId Alphanumeric Internal id of the credit card holder. Yes
creditCardToken > name Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Holder’s name displayed in the credit card. Yes
creditCardToken > identificationNumber Alphanumeric Max:20 Identification number of the credit card holder. Yes
creditCardToken > paymentMethod Alphanumeric 32 Select a valid Credit card Payment Method. See the available Payment Methods. Yes
creditCardToken > number Alphanumeric Min:13 Max:20 Credit card number. Yes
creditCardToken > expirationDate Alphanumeric 7 Credit card expiration date. Format YYYY/MM. Yes
Field name Format Size Description
code Alphanumeric The response code of the transaction. Possible values are ERROR and SUCCESS.
error Alphanumeric Max:2048 The error message associated when the response code is ERROR.
creditCardToken Information of the Tokenized credit card.
creditCardToken > creditCardTokenId Alphanumeric Token generated through the information of the credit card.
creditCardToken > name Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Holder’s name displayed in the credit card as sent in the request.
creditCardToken > payerId Alphanumeric Internal id of the credit card holder as sent in the request.
creditCardToken > identificationNumber Alphanumeric Max:20 Identification number of the credit card holder as sent in the request.
creditCardToken > paymentMethod Alphanumeric 32 Franchise of the tokenized credit card as sent in the request.
creditCardToken > maskedNumber Alphanumeric Min:13 Max:20 Masked credit card number. The masked used displays the first six digits and the last four digits of the credit card.

Api call

The following are the bodies of the request and response of this method.

Request body:

   "language": "es",
   "command": "CREATE_TOKEN",
   "merchant": {
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"
   "creditCardToken": {
      "payerId": "10",
      "name": "APPROVED",
      "identificationNumber": "32144457",
      "paymentMethod": "VISA",
      "number": "4037997623271984",
      "expirationDate": "2025/01"

Response body:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "creditCardToken": {
        "creditCardTokenId": "05440005-9111-4d34-aa86-deeb91983d54",
        "name": "APPROVED",
        "payerId": "10",
        "identificationNumber": "32144457",
        "paymentMethod": "VISA",
        "number": null,
        "expirationDate": null,
        "creationDate": null,
        "maskedNumber": "403799******1984",
        "errorDescription": null

Request body:


Response body:


Massive credit card registration

Using this feature, you can register the information of several credit cards stored in a .csv file and get a token per each card.


  • Each record of the file must have the following structure and order separated by commas:
    • Payer ID
    • Full name
    • Credit card number
    • Expiration date
    • Franchise
    • Identification number
  • The file must not have header.
  • The file must be codifies using UTF-8. You need to implement a functionality to codify the content and send the codified string in the contentFile parameter.
  • The file cannot have more than 10.000 records.


Variables for request and response

Field name Format Size Description Mandatory
language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in the request, this language is used to display the error messages generated. See supported languages. Yes
command Alphanumeric Max:32 Set CREATE_BATCH_TOKENS. Yes
merchant This object has the authentication data. Yes
merchant > apiLogin Alphanumeric Min:12 Max:32 User or login provided by PayU. How do I get my API Login Yes
merchant > apiKey Alphanumeric Min:6 Max:32 Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key Yes
contentFile Alphanumeric Codified string in Base64 with the information of the credit cards as explained before. Yes
Field name Format Size Description
code Alphanumeric The response code of the transaction. Possible values are ERROR and SUCCESS.
error Alphanumeric Max:2048 The error message associated when the response code is ERROR.
id Identification of the procedure.

Api call

The following are the bodies of the request and response of this method.

Request body:

   "language": "es",
   "command": "CREATE_BATCH_TOKENS",
   "merchant": {
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"

Response body:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "id": "b721abbc-a9cf-44c6-99ba-91393de2b5d6"

Request body:


Response body:


Individual token removal

Using this feature, you can remove the token previously registered.

Variables for request and response

Field name Format Size Description Mandatory
language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in the request, this language is used to display the error messages generated. See supported languages. Yes
command Alphanumeric Max:32 Set REMOVE_TOKEN. Yes
merchant This object has the authentication data. Yes
merchant > apiLogin Alphanumeric Min:12 Max:32 User or login provided by PayU. How do I get my API Login Yes
merchant > apiKey Alphanumeric Min:6 Max:32 Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key Yes
removeCreditCardToken Information of token to be removed. Yes
removeCreditCardToken > payerId Alphanumeric Internal id of the credit card holder. Yes
removeCreditCardToken > creditCardTokenId Alphanumeric Token of the credit card to be removed. Yes
Field name Format Size Description
code Alphanumeric The response code of the transaction. Possible values are ERROR and SUCCESS.
error Alphanumeric Max:2048 The error message associated when the response code is ERROR.
creditCardToken Information of the Token removed.
creditCardToken > creditCardTokenId Alphanumeric Token of the credit card as sent in the request.
creditCardToken > name Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Holder’s name displayed in the credit card.
creditCardToken > payerId Alphanumeric Internal id of the credit card holder.
creditCardToken > identificationNumber Alphanumeric Max:20 Identification number of the credit card holder.
creditCardToken > paymentMethod Alphanumeric 32 Franchise of the tokenized credit card.
creditCardToken > maskedNumber Alphanumeric Min:13 Max:20 Masked credit card number. The masked used displays the first six digits and the last four digits of the credit card.

Api call

The following are the bodies of the request and response of this method.

Request body:

   "language": "es",
   "command": "REMOVE_TOKEN",
   "merchant": {
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"
   "removeCreditCardToken": {
      "payerId": "10",
      "creditCardTokenId": "46b7f03e-1b3b-4ce8-ad90-fe1a482f76c3"

Response body:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "creditCardToken": {
        "creditCardTokenId": "46b7f03e-1b3b-4ce8-ad90-fe1a482f76c3",
        "name": "APPROVED",
        "payerId": "10",
        "identificationNumber": "32144457",
        "paymentMethod": "VISA",
        "number": null,
        "expirationDate": null,
        "creationDate": null,
        "maskedNumber": "491633******7505",
        "errorDescription": null

Request body:


Response body:


Massive token removal

Using this feature, you can remove the tokens stored in a .csv file.


  • Each record of the file must have the following structure and order separated by commas:
    • Payer ID
    • Token.
  • The file must not have header.
  • The file must be codifies using UTF-8. You need to implement a functionality to codify the content and send the codified string in the contentFile parameter.
  • The file cannot have more than 10.000 records.


Variables for request and response

Field name Format Size Description Mandatory
language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in the request, this language is used to display the error messages generated. See supported languages. Yes
command Alphanumeric Max:32 Set REMOVE_BATCH_TOKENS. Yes
merchant This object has the authentication data. Yes
merchant > apiLogin Alphanumeric Min:12 Max:32 User or login provided by PayU. How do I get my API Login Yes
merchant > apiKey Alphanumeric Min:6 Max:32 Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key Yes
contentFile Alphanumeric Codified string in Base64 with the information of the tokens to be removed. Yes
Field name Format Size Description
code Alphanumeric The response code of the transaction. Possible values are ERROR and SUCCESS.
error Alphanumeric Max:2048 The error message associated when the response code is ERROR.
id Identification of the procedure.

Api call

The following are the bodies of the request and response of this method.

Request body:

   "language": "es",
   "command": "REMOVE_BATCH_TOKENS",
   "merchant": {
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"
   "contentFile": "UGF5ZXJJZDEsYWQ4NGQ2NzEtYjZiOC00YjEyLWFkNTktZmYxZDJhNjQ0M2NhDQpQYXllcklkMiw0ZGYxNjMwYy03MDkyLTRhNjgtODE3MC0yYzI2YzZjOTUyMDg="

Response body:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "id": "2562625d-9e4c-450a-b979-031feb033952"

Request body:


Response body:


Query tokens

Using this feature, you can get the information of tokenized credit cards, you can perform the query by the token number or by a date range.

Variables for request and response

Field name Format Size Description Mandatory
language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in the request, this language is used to display the error messages generated. See supported languages. Yes
command Alphanumeric Max:32 Set GET_TOKENS. Yes
merchant This object has the authentication data. Yes
merchant > apiLogin Alphanumeric Min:12 Max:32 User or login provided by PayU. How do I get my API Login Yes
merchant > apiKey Alphanumeric Min:6 Max:32 Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key Yes
creditCardTokenInformation Parameters of the query. Yes
creditCardTokenInformation > creditCardTokenId Alphanumeric Token of the card to consult. This parameter is mandatory when you want to query by Token Id. No
creditCardTokenInformation > startDate Alphanumeric 23 Start date of the query when you want to query by date range. This parameter is mandatory when you want to query by date rage.
Format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS, for example 2021-06-12T16:07:11.
creditCardTokenInformation > endDate Alphanumeric 23 End date of the query when you want to query by date range. This parameter is mandatory when you want to query by date rage.
Format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS, for example 2021-06-12T16:07:11.
Field name Format Size Description
code Alphanumeric The response code of the transaction. Possible values are ERROR and SUCCESS.
error Alphanumeric Max:2048 The error message associated when the response code is ERROR.
creditCardTokenList Information of the Tokenized credit cards.
creditCardTokenList > creditCardTokenId Alphanumeric Token generated through the information of the credit card.
creditCardTokenList > name Alphanumeric Min:1 Max:255 Holder’s name displayed in the credit card as sent in the request.
creditCardTokenList > payerId Alphanumeric Internal id of the credit card holder as sent in the request.
creditCardTokenList > identificationNumber Alphanumeric Max:20 Identification number of the credit card holder as sent in the request.
creditCardTokenList > paymentMethod Alphanumeric 32 Franchise of the tokenized credit card as sent in the request.
creditCardTokenList > creationDate Alphanumeric 19 Date when the credit card was tokenized.
creditCardTokenList > maskedNumber Alphanumeric Min:13 Max:20 Masked credit card number. The masked used displays the first six digits and the last four digits of the credit card.

Api call

The following are the bodies of the request and response of this method. The following example queries the tokenized cards by date range, if you want to query by using the token Id, just send the parameter creditCardTokenInformation.creditCardTokenId.

Request body:

   "language": "es",
   "command": "GET_TOKENS",
   "merchant": {
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"
   "creditCardTokenInformation": {
      "startDate": "2021-06-23T12:00:00",
      "endDate": "2021-06-25T12:00:00"

Response body:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "creditCardTokenList": [
            "creditCardTokenId": "1adc6940-ee7e-48c2-bb96-7d784de74964",
            "name": "APPROVED",
            "payerId": "20263841",
            "identificationNumber": null,
            "paymentMethod": "AMEX",
            "number": null,
            "expirationDate": null,
            "creationDate": "2021-06-23T13:36:36",
            "maskedNumber": "377813*****0001",
            "errorDescription": null
            "creditCardTokenId": "3e5f0d77-0f93-421f-9432-99b6430e845e",
            "name": "Juan Perez",
            "payerId": "158301",
            "identificationNumber": null,
            "paymentMethod": "VISA",
            "number": null,
            "expirationDate": null,
            "creationDate": "2021-06-23T19:03:41",
            "maskedNumber": "424242******4242",
            "errorDescription": null
            "creditCardTokenId": "ead0a090-18dc-41ad-9431-ab342af854a2",
            "name": "LadyM",
            "payerId": "0sS01",
            "identificationNumber": "1234567890",
            "paymentMethod": "AMEX",
            "number": null,
            "expirationDate": null,
            "creationDate": "2021-06-24T11:48:21",
            "maskedNumber": "377813*****0001",
            "errorDescription": null

Request body:


Response body:

            <name>Juan Perez</name>

Payments using Tokenization

For payments with credit card tokens, include the parameter transaction.creditCardTokenId replacing the information of the credit card. The following example shows the body of the request in a high level for a one-step flow, the details of the request are not provided.

Request body:

   "language": "es",
   "command": "SUBMIT_TRANSACTION",
   "merchant": {
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA",
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u"
   "transaction": {
      "order": {
         "Information of the order":""
      "payer": {
         "Information of the payer":""
      "creditCardTokenId": "46b7f03e-1b3b-4ce8-ad90-fe1a482f76c3",
      "creditCard": {
         "securityCode": "123"
      "extraParameters": {
         "Extra parameters of the request":""
      "paymentMethod": "Card franchise", 
      "paymentCountry": "Processing country",
      "deviceSessionId": "vghs6tvkcle931686k1900o6e1",
      "ipAddress": "",
      "cookie": "pt1t38347bs6jc9ruv2ecpv7o2",
      "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0"
   "test": true

Request body:

         <!-- Information of the order -->
         <!-- Information of the payer -->
         <!-- Extra parameters of the request -->
      <paymentMethod>{Card franchise}</paymentMethod>
      <paymentCountry>{Processing country}</paymentCountry>
      <userAgent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0</userAgent>

For specific details about how to perform payments, refer to the respective article according to the processing country.

Multiple payments with tokenization

Using this feature, you can perform payments using several tokens stored in a .csv file.


  • Each record of the file must have the following structure and order separated by commas:
    • Account Id, identifier of your PayU account.
    • Credit card token
    • Credit card security code
    • Number of installments
    • Sale reference
    • Sale description
    • Buyer’s e-mail
    • ISO code of the currency. See accepted currencies
    • Total amount including taxes
    • Base value of reimbursement
    • Additional value
    • Language used in emails sent to the buyer and the seller. See supported languages
  • The file must not have header.
  • The file must be codifies using UTF-8. You need to implement a functionality to codify the content and send the codified string in the contentFile parameter.
  • The file cannot have more than 10.000 records.


Variables for request and response

Field name Format Size Description Mandatory
language Alphanumeric 2 Language used in the request, this language is used to display the error messages generated. See supported languages. Yes
command Alphanumeric Max:32 Set PROCESS_BATCH_TRANSACTIONS_TOKEN. Yes
merchant This object has the authentication data. Yes
merchant > apiLogin Alphanumeric Min:12 Max:32 User or login provided by PayU. How do I get my API Login Yes
merchant > apiKey Alphanumeric Min:6 Max:32 Password provided by PayU. How do I get my API Key Yes
contentFile Alphanumeric Codified string in Base64 with the information of the credit cards as explained before. Yes
Field name Format Size Description
code Alphanumeric The response code of the transaction. Possible values are ERROR and SUCCESS.
error Alphanumeric Max:2048 The error message associated when the response code is ERROR.
id Identification of the procedure.

Api call

The following are the bodies of the request and response of this method.

Request body:

   "language": "es",
   "merchant": {
      "apiLogin": "pRRXKOl8ikMmt9u",
      "apiKey": "4Vj8eK4rloUd272L48hsrarnUA"

Response body:

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "error": null,
    "id": "51c72d88-f707-45ca-ad59-4508140833a7"

Request body:


Response body:

Last modified November 4, 2021: URL fixing for tokenization API (34bca122)